TA Ch. 3: Implement Tasks that Promote Reasoning and Problem Solving

Ch. 3: Implement Tasks that Promote Reasoning and Problem Solving 

Summary: It is important that teachers create learning tasks that will lead their students to an understanding of the concepts. There are different levels of demand when it comes to learning tasks. There are lower-level demand and higher-level demand tasks. Lower level tasks include things such as reproducing facts or formulas. Higher level tasks are more complex and many times include multiple steps that lead to a deeper understanding.

Implications for Future Teaching: It is important that I balance the tasks I give to my students. They need to be given a combination of low level and high level demand tasks.

2 Questions: 
1. How do you know that your students are ready to move from low level to high level demand?
2. How can you scaffold higher level problems to make them doable for all level students?


  1. Thanks, Darby...you actually don't need to start with low level demand tasks. If you provide high level tasks and provide scaffolding (this will depend on the content and the student's needs), then can use lower-level demand tasks to help the students become more efficient after they understand the concept:)


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